Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ivy Joy

Praying for Ivy Joy...hopefully this trip to Boston will heal her heart for good. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Merry Christmas 2012

Another fabulous Christmas has come and gone. So many wonderful gifts, delicious meals, and special time making memories with our girls. I love this time of year for all the traditions and excitement!

 We did not adopt more children, these beauties are our cousins (and niece Giana in the blue dress)

All comfy in their jammies!

After five years now, she is still unsure of sitting on Papa's Santa's lap

Happy Birthday Baby Jesus

We have a few different nativity scenes set up in our living room this Christmas, and the girls loved playing with them. This is how they left the scene one day when they were done playing, and it really made me giggle, so I just had to grab a snapshot. This is what Christmas and Jesus are all about, right? Everyone is invited to the manger!!