Tuesday, June 9, 2009

She may look small...

But she's not!  Regina turned one month old last Friday, and at her doctor's appointment yesterday, she weighed in at a whopping 10# 4oz!  She also gained an inch in length.  Puts her in the 75th percentile.  

She has matured so much in this past month, each day I notice changes in her.  She is sleeping well at night for us, and she is a very content baby during the day.  She is starting to hold up her head more often and with a lot more control now.  And, the best part of all, she is starting to smile and laugh in response to our silly antics!

Ryan and I are so blessed to have hit the jackpot two times in a row with wonderful girls. Hmmm...wonder if we should press our luck for a third time?!?!?!?!


UCFlow said...

ready when you are, honey!

Amanda said...

Wow! She is really growing. Emily was only 9 lbs, 2oz at her one-month. How do you guys have a bigger baby than us?!? Glad to hear all is going well. :)