Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Camera

We've made pretty good use of our Canon SD600 for the past few years. It wasn't the greatest camera, but it did yield some pretty decent quality shots, allowing us to easily make 8x10 photos. Having fully depreciated, it was time to look into an update. I had a fairly small list of camera specifications including Image Stabilization (in the lens, of course), a few more megapixels than my current 6.0, speed (both in terms of cold start to 1st shot, and the so-called continuous shot mode), and it had to use SD or SDHC cards, since I already own an Eye-Fi 2GB SD card. Having such a great experience with my Canon Powershot SD600, I checked out the latest offerings from Canon, as well as the other usual suspects; Nikon coolpix, Kodak, Panasonic Lumix, and others. After many late nights reading reviews, we made the decision; the Canon SD1200 IS. The IS is for Image Stabilization. It's a 10.0MegaPixel, 3x Optical Zoom, point and shoot with a few bells and whistles. It has a great Smart-Auto mode as well as a programmable mode which allows you to set specific ISO settings (up to 3200, but past 200 is pretty much a waste), custom white-balance, and a few exposure stops...plenty of custom features for what I can do with a camera. So, here are the 1st images captured with the new Canon SD1200 IS.

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